Make Your Web Hosting
Simple With tinyFragments Concierge Hosting
You’re a developer, not an administrator.
Why make Web hosting any harder than it has to be? Let me worry about that Postfix config. -
What I do, and how I do it.
tinyFragments is Andrew Wagner-
Why tinyFragments?
It’s my firm belief that everything I do, and all the software I use, are just small parts of the larger whole of technology. Nothing I do or create compares to the vast systems and content of the modern Web. It’s my own version of “You didn’t build that.”
tF in a nutshell
I’m a network consultant who takes all of the pain out of web hosting. I use Linode servers to provide you with the reliable, safe web hosting environment your customers expect, without you having to become an Apache or Sendmail wizard. Like tinkering with configs and the latest frameworks, but don’t have the time or energy to become a LAMP expert? Drop me a line. I’ll set you up with your very own Linode VPS and make sure it keeps running the way you expect. With ssh access, git repository management, DNS hosting, and email, all you have to do is create, not manage.
Linode Linux Servers
I use Linode for the actual “hosting” part of my Concierge Hosting environment. Multiple servers in disparate data centers give my clients the benefit of server redundancy without sacrificing performance. All of my servers run server-grade SSD drives.
Linode daily backups combined with custom backups scripts make sure your data is safe and ready to go on another server in case of disaster.
Concierge Service
Out to dinner, and remember you promised that client you’d update a DNS record for her? Or commited your latest site update but forgot to deploy? Shoot me an email, and consider it done.
Full Git support
I use Git for version control on all my websites, and provide the same on all my servers. Combined with robust backups, you can always go back in time.
The leader in rock-solid stability. Not the most up to date, but it doesn’t know how to crash. Best for static sites and custom PHP that doesn’t require the latest version.
Ubuntu LTS
Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) strikes a good balance between current software and stability. Released every three years, and supported for five, LTS makes a great server operating system. And is my personal preference.
Ubuntu Current
Need the latest and greatest? Then the most current Ubuntu Linux is for you. Released every six months, it doesn’t have the years of testing that go into more stable distros, but it’s pretty much guaranteed to have the latest versions of the software you need.
I do network and server consulting on Linux and Windows servers, Cisco systems, and pretty much anything that will talk TCP/IP.
I build, maintain, and administer LAMP systems.
The words of some people who like me and what I do.
Contact me today, and your words could be up here too!-
Andrew is truly one of the good ones. He succeeds willfully out on the leading edge of technology while still maintaining solid relationships with clients and co-workers.
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